Dec 5, 2009

When is Hanukkah? The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah starts on the Hebrew calendar date of 25 Kislev and lasts for eight days. Therefore, it normally is between late November and December on the secular calendar. This year, Hanukkah (or Chanukah) will start on the eve of December 11 and continue until December 19.
Commonly known as the Festival of Lights, this holiday commemorates the victory of the Jews over the Syrians and the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem in 165 B.C. Lighting the menorah, saying blessings, and playing the dreidel game for gelt are some of the best-known Hanukkah traditions.
Dec 2, 2009
Cumberland Harbour Owners,
Heritage Property Management is mailing a letter to all Cumberland Harbourproperty owners today that indicates where your Jan. 1, 2010 dues assessment and future dues assessments should be mailed. A more detailed statement of your account will be mailed by Heritage in the next two weeks. The CHPOA Board also voted to remove any late fees owed by property owners for the year 2009 or earlier if all past due assessments are paid by Jan. 1, 2010.
Michelle Deis
CHPOA Secretary
Nov 29, 2009
CH residents Bill Bruce, Micky Bright, Taylor Bright, Don Robertson and Sam Colville took a trip Nov. 20 up the St. Marys River in Bill Bruce's 19' Regal bowrider, the Legal Ease II. Departing from the St. Marys downtown boat ramp, they traveled under the I-95 and Ga Hwy 17 bridges to Kings Ferry before returning. Clearance under the Ga Hwy 17 bridge is only about 5-6 feet at high tide, not a problem for Bill's sleek runabout.
Photos by Micky Bright

Departing from downtown St. Marys.
Left to right: Bill Bruce, Taylor Bright, Don Robertson, Sam Colville

West of I-95

Nov 21, 2009
St. Marys' great fishing
Brian Timberlake enjoys one of the
Georgia coast's favorite pastimes!
Jack Crevalle
‘Smoker’ King Mackerel
The Interim CHPOA Board voted to send a letter to the Department of Natural Resources, on behalf of the CHPOA, supporting:
The Coastal Marshlands Protection Committee Permit #490,
North River, St. Marys River, Point Peter Creek,
Camden County, Georgia.
Owners also encouraged to send letters
Homeowners and lot owners supportive of the permit are also encouraged to send letters. Send them to:
Karl Burgess, Department of Natural Resources
One Conservation Way, Brunswick, GA 31520.
Deadline for comments is December 6, 2009.
Oct 29, 2009
As a member of the previous Board, I would like to respond to the letter sent out by the new Board.
Of the 8 items that are on the agenda, the Board I was on addressed all but 1, the community directory. I would hope the new Board would review the work we did and use that work as a basis for their future work. We had done the following:
- Gone out for competitive bids on the landscaping contract, reviewed the AIM contract, and renegotiated the Security contract;
- Received the draft audit of the Association’s finances (would not be a final audit until approved by the Board)
- Set the annual meeting date for February;
- Reviewed the accounts receivable at every meeting;
- Accepted a recommendation from the Rules Committee on common area usage policy;
- Discussed with St. Marys the status of the bonds; and
- Started the POA web site.
Sam Lindsey
Letter from Interim CHPOA Board of Directors
Cumberland Harbour Property Owners,
The Cumberland Harbour Property Owners' Association (CHPOA) Interim Board will be mailing the following information in a letter to all property owners in Cumberland Harbour. Because we are excited to let everyone know the Interim Board's plans for the next few months, we decided to post the letter on Harbour Lights as well as on the Cumberland Harbour property owners’ forum on yahoo groups at and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CHLotOwners on the CHPOA website, at http://www.cumberlandharbour-poa.org/. The Board will have its first official meeting this Friday, Oct. 30th, by conference call. We will post the Minutes of that meeting on Harbour Lights as well as the websites listed above, as soon as possible after that meeting.
Dear Cumberland Harbour Property Owner,
An Interim Board of Directors for the Cumberland Harbour Property Owners' Association (CHPOA) has been appointed by S. Mark Rogers, the newly assigned Administrative Officer of Point Peter, LLLP. This Interim CHPOA Board ofDirectors will serve until there is a sale of Point Peter, LLLP's property to a new developer, or there is a dismissal of Point Peter's bankruptcy case. The Interim Board will aid in the transition of any sale of the property to a new developer. After any sale to a new developer, this Interim Board would only continue to serve at the new developer's discretion.
Following are the members of the Interim Board and their positions:
Paul Gommo, President
Paul and his wife Joni own Lot 1080. Paul Gommo is President of an Atlanta-based small business that sells and services mission critical powersystems. Paul has over 30 years of business management experience. He and hiswife Joni plan to begin building their home at Cumberland Harbour within threeto five years.
David Cohen, Vice President
David and his wife Judith own Lot 248. David is the business manager for ImageInterpretations, Inc., a medical practice. David is also the President of the River Terrace Homeowners' Association in Roswell, Georgia.
Bernard (Bernie) Huber, Treasurer
Bernie and his wife Mary own Lot 254. Cumberland Harbour has been their primary residence for the past three years. They are retired and volunteer much oftheir time with the National Park Service.
Michelle Deis, Secretary
Michelle and her husband Dave own Lot 69 and Lot 910. Michelle and Dave are in the planning process of building a home on Lot 69, where they plan to semi-retire. Michelle is an attorney specializing in copyright law and she and her husband live in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio.
Helen Ownby, Meeting Parliamentarian
Helen and her husband Dennis own Lot 28 and Lot 442. Helen and Dennis are in the finishing phases of building a home on Lot 442 where they plan to retire. Helen is a retired microbiologist who managed federal contracts at the AmericanRed Cross in Detroit. She and her husband live in Evans, Georgia.
The Interim Board will be meeting almost weekly over the next few months (either by conference call or in person) to aid in the transition to any new developer, to respond to property owners' submitted questions, and to put in action the following agenda.
1. Review CHPOA management, maintenance, landscaping, insurance, and other contracts and choose to either continue such contracts or research and enact alternative contracts with the same or new contractors.
2. Secure an independent Georgia licensed CPA to audit all CHPOA accounting records to gain an understanding of past accounting practices and to streamline and set forth a new budget for the CHPOA.
3. Once the audit has been completed and a new budget determined, then a CHPOA Annual Meeting date will be set. The Interim Board is planning this Annual Meeting to be within 90 days after the close of the CHPOA's fiscal year (endingDecember 31, 2009) per the CHPOA Bylaws. The Interim Board will open discussions with any new developer to initiate an election of a new CHPOA Boardof Directors at this Annual Meeting.
4. Audit the CHPOA lot owner assessment records to determine whether all property owners and builders owning lots are current in the payment of theirCHPOA assessments per the Bylaws. Action will be taken to collect overdue CHPOAassessments.
5. Review the usage policies for the common areas for social gatherings by both Cumberland Harbour property owners and outside entities, and revise these policies as necessary to maintain the facilities.
6. Maintain discussions with the City of St. Marys and work with any new developer regarding the enforcement of the bonds for the construction of the incomplete infrastructure (roads and utilities) to move such constructionforward.
7. Communicate frequently with the property owners through a community website and answer specific property owner questions by email or phone conversations. Minutes of all Interim Board meetings will be posted on this website, once thewebsite is established.
8. Provide all owners with a community directory of property owners' contact information for property owners who wish to be listed in the directory. (The Board will be mailing such a request for contact information with this letter to property owners, so that a directory will be available by the Annual Meeting date.)
The Interim Board is open to any suggestions by property owners for other agenda items. Property owner questions during this interim period will be answered by the Board each time the Board meets (which will be almost weekly over the nextfew months). The Board will then respond to the property owner by email orphone. Please email any questions to the interim Board at cumberlandharbourowners@yahoo.com .
Additionally, any property owner who has an area of expertise or interest and would like to volunteer for a CHPOA committee assignment or other work that needs to be completed by the CHPOA, please contact the Board at the email listedabove to discuss how you would like to help.
The Interim Board looks forward to serving the best interests and needs of the property owners. All Interim CHPOA Board members are Cumberland Harbour property owners who have no affiliation with the former Land Resource, LLC or Point Peter, LLLP. The Interim Board will be working hard over the next few months to make Cumberland Harbour a showplace community.
Thank you for your support,
The CHPOA Interim Board Members
Oct 27, 2009
Yesterday's post stating Mark Rogers was appointed by the Bankruptcy Court as the new Declarant was incorrect.
Mr. Rogers was appointed by the Bankruptcy Court as the Declarant's new Administrative Officer. In this representative capacity, Mr. Rogers appointed a new slate of CH POA Board of Directors.
Word is that this is an interim board of directors.
See attached
Oct 10, 2009
Colville, Fink and Tondereau families
The Colville family has moved into its home on Overlook Lane
Sep 26, 2009
Location: Historic Downtown of St. Marys, GA
Sponsored by the St Marys Kiwanis Club
The Festival begins at 9:00 a.m. with:
- Arts and crafts booths
- Food vendors,
- Parade at 10:00 a.m.,
- Rock Shrimp dinners begin serving at 11:00 a.m.
- LIVE Entertainment throughout the day
- Free Kid’s Safety Zone in the waterfront park.
912-882-4000 or 800-868-8687
See you there!
Sep 14, 2009
Aug 16, 2009
As of July, 2009, the CH POA Board consists of:
Glenn Saare, President & Homeowner
Stan Smith, Vice President & Property Owner
Rick Faulhaber, Chairman of Grounds Committee & Homeowner
At-large members:
Sam Lindsey, Homeowner
Ben Pingree, Property Owner
Brian Timberlake, Homeowner
Bill Whitlock, Property Owner
The board welcomes new members Rick Faulhaber, Sam Lindsey, Ben Pingree, Brian Timberlake and Bill Whitlock. More news about the new board's activities will be forthcoming soon.
Cumberland Harbour owners and Harbour Lights wish to express their thanks to Don Robertson, who recently resigned from the POA board in July, for his dedication and service to the community.
Aug 14, 2009
All of the Halseys' neighbors at Cumberland Harbor extend their sympathy, offer their assistance, and hope for the family's return.
Aug 6, 2009
A wine & cheese reception was held at the Fitness Center on July 25th
to display the floor cloths created in the Art Class taught by SCAD* Professor Dawn Peterson
* Savannah College of Art & Design
Floorcloths by Mary Huber, Katherine Timberlake, Cindy Means, and Dawn were on display, and everyone enjoyed a fun evening of socializing.
Jul 23, 2009
When: Saturday, July 25th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Where: Cumberland Harbour Fitness Center
What: Exhibit to view the Floorcloths created in summer art class
Hope to see you there!
Art class link
Jul 11, 2009
Jul 3, 2009

Saturday, July 4th 2008
Parade begins at 10 a.m., at the St. Marys Elementary School.
- Arts & Crafts, Food and Live Entertainment &
- Kids Games, Pony Rides, Classic Car & Tractor Show
- Choo Choo Rides For The Kids
Jun 25, 2009
- Two-day class will be held Tues. 7/7 & Thurs. 7/9 - 9 am to 12 noon
- Where: Cumberland Harbour Fitness Center
- Who may attend: All levels of experience are invited
- Cost: The only cost is $60.00 for materials
- Work will be exhibited at a reception in the Fitness Center on Friday, 7/10, 6 to 7 pm
Image shown above is from "The Complete Book of Floor Cloths" by Cooper/Hersey.
Jun 8, 2009
Open every Saturday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Osborne Street @ the Tribune & Georgian parking lot
Fresh produce, seafood & baked goods, art, delicious specialty
BBQ sauces & much more! Come & patronize our local vendors.
Fresh, locally-caught Blue Crab, Shrimp & Fish available Saturdays
at the St. Marys Community Market.
May 31, 2009

Great Capes Builders, LLC, is building this home for the Ownby family on Wards Lane. Dennis and Helen Ownby, working with their builder and architect, went to great lengths to save as many of the wonderful live oak trees on their property as possible. A geothermal heating & cooling system is also planned for the home.
Correction: Harbour Lights previously indicated the Scherck home had the first geothermal system in CH. Actually, the Saare home had the first system, an open-loop one, which is also considered geothermal. The soon to be completed Scherck home and the Ownby home will have closed-loop geothermal systems. Congratulations to all three families for incorporating this new technology into their homes. -Editor
May 26, 2009
Neighborhood Cookout
Click on photos for enlarged views
Photos by D. Robertson & J.Means

May 22, 2009
Harbour Lights is not connected with the POA, the property manager, or any other entity. -Editor
Correction: 2nd sentence, 2nd para. of the Board Report, below:
The City gave no timeline to the Board. The 'end of the year' reference originated solely with the Board and represented the Board's estimate of when the preliminary engineering and development costing work might be completed. -Harbour Lights Editor.
POA Board Report
Printable version
REPORT AS OF May 22, 2009
Dear Fellow Lot Owners;
We are pleased to report that the Board of Directors has been working diligently over the past several months on many issues facing the association. We acknowledge that this has been a difficult and frustrating time as we all have faced the uncertainty created by the bankruptcy of the developer, Land Resource. As we previously reported, the bank holding the main mortgage on the community took back the property and they have been marketing it to several development companies. At this time there is still no final determination on this issue however the Board will continue to monitor the status and provide an immediate update to everyone as soon as information is received.
The Board has been monitoring the status of the bond with the City of St. Mary’s and can report that the most recent update from the City is that they continue to work with the bond company and are still going through the process of reviewing work needed with various engineers as well as development cost estimates on having the work completed. When asked whether there was a timeline they could provide on when the work would be done, they declined to give anything specific, however estimated that the work would be completed before year’s end.
We also have received information regarding new legal activity related to the marinas to be built as part of the community. Information on this can be obtained at: http://www.cumberlandharbor.blogspot.com/
(Marina update: here. -Ed.). The recent ruling did not change the status of the marinas, but basically resulted in a ruling on several motions by the Administrative Law Judge.
With the state of the current economy we are all aware of the need to carefully control expenses, and to attempt to reduce those where possible, without having an adverse affect on the quality of the community. We believe that all owners purchased their lot with an anticipation of the type of community Cumberland Harbour was to become and the Board of Directors is committed to maintaining, as best possible, the concept conceived for the community. While we cannot control the effect of the economy on real estate values, we do want to ensure that the services and facilities of the community are not diminished in any way that could further affect those values. To this end, the Board has been keeping a careful watch on expenses and has placed a hold on spending any funds on items which are not crucial to maintain the facilities and services. This review included taking an in-depth look at all contracts and making determinations on what services are being provided. The Board has appointed a Building and Grounds Committee to assist them in reviewing the current landscape contract, developing a complete list of all services and making plans to obtain competitive bids for landscaping and other services. They are also working with a landscape designer to develop a landscape plan for the entire community.
The Board will continue to look at all services provided to the community and will obtain competitive proposals in anticipation of the preparation of the 2010 budget. We are also seeking out information from other communities on their fees and services so that we can make a comparison of the operating costs of our association and the level of fees paid by lot owners.
The upkeep of the community is extensive. The landscaping alone requires maintenance of 20 miles of roadways (of which 13 are paved), 25 acres of ponds, 30 miles of irrigation and 80 acres of grass which is mowed and maintained throughout the development.
The Association also maintains four pools (three swimming pools and one reflecting pool) which require daily cleaning, chemical balancing and inspection of operating pumps and controls. The swimming pools were recently required to be updated to comply with a federally mandated retrofit of the drains to install anti-entrapment drain covers. Additionally, we have six clay tennis courts of the highest caliber which require constant grooming and maintenance. There are five buildings in the community that need routine upkeep including cleaning, painting, HVAC maintenance, repair to the interiors and exteriors, annual fire extinguisher testing and tagging, routine pest control, and maintenance of the equipment. We are looking at ways to reduce the utility costs of these buildings and will install controls on lighting, heat and air conditioning, and other appliances to reduce electricity costs.
As part of the finances of the association, the Board must look at income in relation to expenses. Unfortunately, there are quite a number of owners who have outstanding balances on their association dues accounts. The Board is taking active steps to ensure that these balances are collected and have authorized the Association’s collection attorney to pursue every means available to reduce the balance of outstanding assessments. Such action may include placing liens and/or foreclosure on lots by the Association where unpaid dues are excessive. It is essential to have the funds available to effectively operate the community and, the Board has a legal duty to collect these fees and we will continue our efforts in this endeavor.
The Board has engaged an independent professional Certified Public Accountant to perform a review of the Association’s financial records and copies of the report will be available to lot owners once the review has been completed.
We will continue to keep everyone informed as we move forward with the future of the community. Updates are always available at the Cumberland Harbour website: http://www.cumberlandharbor.blogspot.com/; or at the AIM website: http://www.aim-services.net/.
You may also email the Board of Directors at: Boardchpoa@aol.com. To help save on mailing costs, we ask that you check the websites frequently for news and updates.
The work of the association requires the assistance and support of a great number of individuals and we would like to thank all the committees and their members for their hours of volunteer service to the community. The current committees include: Design Review Board – charged with oversight of home design in the association; Building and Grounds Committee – responsible for the oversight of the physical property and grounds; Social Committee – organizes social gatherings in the community to allow owners to have an opportunity to meet each other and welcome new residents to the community; Rules Committee – charged with assisting the Board in the development of rules for the use of the amenities and other areas. The volunteer members of these committees work with great effort to help ensure the quality of life in the community.
As you can see, the operation, maintenance and organization of Cumberland Harbour takes a great deal of time and effort. The future success of the Association will require the support and assistance of everyone to help to build Cumberland Harbour into the quality development that we all envisioned when we purchased here. We anticipate that a new developer will purchase the community and we look forward to working with the new company in a spirit of cooperation to bring the potential of Cumberland Harbour to fruition. We appreciate your interest and concern and ask for your support to help move the Association forward in a positive direction.
Glenn Saare, President
Board of Directors
Cumberland Harbour POA
To Top
The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in the Cumberland Harbour marina case issued an order on April 16, 2009. The ALJ's order did not change the status of the case, but implemented earlier decisions in the case by the Ga. Court of Appeals and Ga. Supreme Court. The Order also contained the ALJ's decisions on two recent motions filed by the parties.
The Order:
- Vacated the part of the ALJ's original 2006 order which had been overturned by the Ga. Court of Appeals, regarding regulation of upland development.
- Implemented the part of his 2006 order upheld by the Court of Appeals, by remanding the marina permit to the Coastal Marshlands Protection Committee for consideration of final conservation measures for the protection of Right Whales and other wildlife.
- Denied a motion by Center for a Sustainable Coast, et al., for an evidentiary hearing to consider the impact of upland development, such as stormwater runoff.
- Denied a motion by Point Peter for reconsideration of the ALJ order remanding the permit to the Committee for determination of final conservation wildlife measures.
For copy of the 4/16/09 ALJ decision, go here.
More information on the motions and case history:
A.) Issues on motion by the parties - 4/16/09 Order:
1.) Upland Development:
The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) ruled in 2006 the Coastal Marshlands Protection Committee (the Committee) erred in issuing a marina permit to Point Peter LLLP, under the the Coastal Marshlands Protection Act (the Act), without considering the impact on the marsh of CH's upland development (stormwater runoff, etc.). This part of the ALJ's 2006 ruling was overturned by the Ga. Court of Appeals.
The Court of Appeals held the Act did not regulate upland development. The Ga. Supreme Court affirmed the Appeals Court's reversal of this part of the 2006 Order.
Nevertheless, in 2009, the Center for a Sustainable Coast (CSC) requested an evidentiary hearing on the impact of upland development. CSC's request was denied in the ALJ's 4/16/09 Order.
2.) Reversal and remand of Marina Permit / Final Conservation Measures:
The ALJ in 2006 also reversed the permit and ordered it be remanded to the Committee for determination of final conservation measures. This part of the ALJ's decision was upheld by the Court of Appeals and affirmed by the Supreme Court.
Point Peter, which has maintained it has every intention of implementing such conservation measures, requested a reconsideration of the part of the ALJ's 2006 Order reversing and remanding the permit back to the Committee, so as to be able to begin construction and finalize the conservation measures, concurrently. Point Peter's request was denied in the ALJ's 4/16/09 Order.
B.) History of the case in a nutshell:
2005 – Point Peter LLLP obtained a marina permit issued by the Coastal Marshlands Protection Committee (the Committee), a division of Ga. DNR.
The Center for a Sustainable Coast (CSC) and several other groups, filed suit challenging the permit on several grounds.
2006 - the ALJ issued an order remanding the permit to the Committee for further consideration, on several grounds.
In so ruling, the ALJ essentially agreed with the CSC that the permit had been improperly or prematurely granted.
The Committee and Point Peter appealed the ALJ’s decision.
2007 – Ga. Court of Appeals overturned the ALJ’s decision in part and affirmed it in part.
CSC appealed to the Ga. Supreme Court.
2008 – Ga. Sup. Ct. upheld completely the decision of the Ct. of Appeals.
The case was to be remanded all the way back down to the ALJ for implementation of the Ga. Appeals Courts ruling.
2009 – Point Peter & CSC each make motions before the ALJ.
April, 16, 2009 – ALJ denies the motions of both parties, vacates that part of his original order with regard to Committee regulation of upland development, and remands back to the Committee the marina permit for consideration of final conservation measures.
May 20, 2009
Sat., May 23, Fun in the Sun Expo 2009
9am - 9pm, Downtown St. Marys/Gilman Waterfront Park.
Link to Expo blog -- Schedule of Events
Sun, May 24, Fernandina Beach Pub Crawl
4pm -8pm - Participating Bars: O'Kane's - Karibrew - Pablo's
Green Turtle -Frisky Mermaid - Crab Trap - Wicked Davey's
$10 per person - includes T-shirt & drink special at each bar.
To sign up, email iLOVEfbNIGHTlife@gmail.com for paypal link,
OR, go to Karibrew on 3rd St.
May 14, 2009
Alligators are on the move. Always Be Gator Safe! Exercise particular caution from March to June, when alligators may be away from water, moving through fields, roads and areas with shrubs or underbrush.
Check out gator safety tips here!
Below is a message from property manager, AIM Services. -Editor
If an alligator in CH poses a threat to humans or pets, please contact the Cumberland Harbour gatehouse at (912) 576-9620.
May 12, 2009
Cumberland Harbour's first home with energy saving geothermal heating & cooling is being built for the Scherck family by builder D.C. Robertson.
Apr 16, 2009
Spring Festival Update
Tribune & Georgian Fun In The Sun Expo 2009
Sat., May 23, 2009 -- 9am-9pm
Gilman Waterfront Park, Downtown St Marys
Fun In The Sun Expo 2009
-Recreational & Summertime Leisure products showcase & booths
-River Raft Race & 5K Fun Run
-Auto Show: Classic Cars & Trucks
-Hot Dog Eating Contest
-Kiddie Races, Arts & Crafts, Food
The US Navy Winward Brass Ensemble will perform a program of patriotic music.
For more information, contact John Long, (912) 882-4927, or tgfunsunexpo@gmail.com
46th Annual Isle of
Eight Flags Shrimp Festival
Historic Downtown Fernandina Beach, FL, Fri.-Sun., May 01-03, 2009
Kickoff Pirate parade: Thurs., Apr. 3o
It's the 46th Anniversary and May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be bigger and better than ever.
The Isle of Eight Flags Shrimp Festival features Fine Arts & Crafts, Antiques & Collectibles, Southwest Airlines Kids Korner and Live Entertainment from two stages, and dozens of food booths featuring scrumptious shrimp specialties.
Each year, the Festival is held the first weekend in May in the Historic downtown Centre Street business district in Fernandina Beach on Amelia Island, Florida.
It all kicks off with the Pirate Parade. Known as one of the highlights of each year's festival, the Pirate Parade will begin at about 6:00 PM on Thursday, April 30th, 2009 and will last until the final float rolls up Centre Street. This year, the theme for the parade is "Home Grown Shrimp, the Pick of the Litter."
24th Annual Woodbine Crawfish Festival
Woodbine, Ga - Fri. & Sat., Apr. 24-25, 2009
The 24th Annual Crawfish Festival is a family oriented event and offers something for all ages from children's amusements to arts & crafts, to cloggers, square dancers and live bands.
Entertainment is offered on Friday night from 5-9 pm at the Satilla Waterfront Park Stage. Saturday's entertainment begins at 9 am and continues throughout the day until 6:30 pm, at the waterfront stage as well as the gazebo stage located in the Arts & Crafts Area. A children's amusement area provides activities and games on Friday night and all day Saturday.
And don't miss the Crawfish Parade, one of the highlights of the festival. The Parade begins at 10:00am on Saturday at the corner of U.S. 17 and E. 10th Street and features entries such as bands, clowns, floats and horses. Parade Information
Apr 14, 2009
Apr 9, 2009

Apr 5, 2009
Cumberland Harbour residents, owners and guests gathered for a Spring Celebration Cookout on Saturday, April 5, at the Landings common area. After a week of heavy rain, Saturday’s weather for the event was a perfect, sunny day. Children enjoyed a variety of activities, including an Easter egg hunt and a piƱata. Hot dogs and hamburgers with all the fixings were served. Bunny cupcakes baked by Rita Bruce were for dessert.
Mar 21, 2009
