A contingent of Cumberland Harbour residents and owners will participate in this year's St. Marys River Celebration, the annual Spring cleanup of the river, held on March 20.
Last year, over 1000 volunteers from Camden and Charlton Counties in Georgia, and Nassau and Baker Counties in Florida, removed 56,000 lbs of trash from the waterways and banks of the River and its tributaries.
Organized by the St Marys River Protection Committee and Keep Nassau Beautiful, the cleanup takes place from 8:00 to Noon, followed by a Celebration lunch at White Oak Plantation until 2:30.
Cumberland Harbour's contingent, with other volunteers from St. Marys, will focus on the lower St. Marys River and its tributaries, particularly the North River, which abounds Pt. Peter peninsula & Cumberland

Anyone wishing to join Cumberland Harbour's contingent may contact Bill Bruce. Bill can be reached at brucewr@comcast.net .
2010 River Cleanup News Release
2010 Site Map & Fact Sheet
Photos by J.Means